Boxmoor Hills DMCC, through strategic investments, aims to reduce the infrastructure deficit in Africa. It is a private sector project development and investment group with the capability to take projects from inception through development, financing, and operations. Boxmoor Hills is committed to maximizing Africa’s economic potential through sustainable resource development and operations. The firm specializes in sectors such as mining, energy, transportation & logistics.


Leveraging on Years of Project Development

The team at Boxmoor have decades of experience developing infrastructure projects accross Africa. Our aim is to lay the foundation for sustainable economies.


Our investment focus is on essential projects like water, electricity, and telecommunications infrastructure, all critical to Africa's development.

Transportation & Logistics

We spearhead transportation infrastructure initiatives, spanning roads, railways, ports, and airports, to bolster connectivity, trade, and propel socio-economic advancement.


We collaborate with ventures to bolster infrastructure development, fostering the growth of manufacturing facilities vital for economic advancement and employment opportunities.

Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.
— Archimedes, Greek mathematician and physicist


Taking the Bold First Step

FG Gold is a privately owned exploration and gold development company, committed to developing world-class projects across Africa. FG Gold is currently developing the Baomahun Gold Project.

The Baomahun Gold Project is set to become Sierra Leone’s first large scale commercial gold mine. The Baomahun mining concession area covers a land area of c.125 km2 and contains a total JORC certified gold resource of c.5.81Moz and JORC certified reserves of 2.05Moz at a grade of 2.10 g/t Au, making it is one of the largest gold development projects in Africa. With an annual processing capacity of c.2.5 million tons per annum, FG Gold is set to produce an average of c150 koz of gold annually over the 12.5 year mine life.

FG Gold



We are dedicated to building enduring partnerships, focusing on infrastructure projects across diverse sectors including transport, energy, logistics, and mining.